你知道雅思口语考试换题了吗?今天我们就来分析下这个题目“Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important”。
看到这道题首先我们需要focus在new skill以及important的点上。又要新技能,又要重要,有些同学可能无从下手,但其实生活中有很多practical的技能。例如:driving, cooking, swimming, …这几个技能里的任意一个都可以作为你的new skill。
我们知道每一个part2话题后都会有几个问题作为提示。以保证答题的时候不会轻易的跑题,以本题为例:What it is? Whether it is difficult or not? How you learned it? Why you think it is important?
在这里同学们可以用到一些常见的句式来引出自己的观点。例如:speaking of…; when it comes to…; I’m going to describe….
e.g. Speaking of a skill that I learned recently, I have to mention swimming.
Whether it is difficult or not?
How you learned it?
Why you think it is important?
俗话说的好,“万事开头难(Everything's hard in the beginning)”,所以困难是一定的。所以我们需要思考,对于swimming来说,具体的困难是什么?
我们可以用到一个词:hydrophobia n. 恐水症 (fear of water)很多人不敢游泳是因为hydrophobia,看到水或者碰到水会产生dizziness(头晕), tremble(颤抖), heart racing(心跳加速)等特点。
除此之外,有些人flexibility(灵活性)不是很好,所以不能在水里keep balance(保持平衡)。
e.g. It’s hard for me to swim since I have hydrophobia. I mean, whenever I see the deep water, I always feel dizzy and trembling. Plus, my flexibility is a disaster, so I cannot keep balance in the water.
对于学游泳来说最常用的方法就是hold your breath (屏住呼吸) and jump.
要切记这些泳姿前的动词是 do!
e.g. I can do freestyle swimming.
最后一个问题,也是本题中最关键的问题。Why it is important?
主要分为两大好处:mental health& physical health
对于mental health来说,适当运动过可以很好的refresh our mind(提神醒脑),以至于运动过后我们可以更加focus on study(专心学习), improve work/ study effiency(提高工作/学习效率)等。
对于physical health来说,swimming可以使我们unlike infected by diseases (不容易生病), have a good body figure(好的身材管理)等。