NISSAN 汽车—— Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. 译:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。
Gatorade 饮料—— Life is a sport,drink it up. 译:生活就是一场运动,喝下它。Tequila 酒—— Life is harsh,your tequila shouldn’t be. 译:生活是苦涩的,而您的
tequila 酒却不是。 防止艾滋病公益广告—— There’s life after sex. 译:在性之外还有生活。
Wolderness 系统—— Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. 译:生活就是发现,让我们去发现吧。
“锐步”运动鞋—— Five feet nine inches in his socks. NISSAN 汽车—— Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. 译:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。
Gatorade 饮料—— Life is a sport,drink it up. 译:生活就是一场运动,喝下它。
Tequila 酒—— Life is harsh,your tequila shouldn’t be. 译:生活是苦涩的,而您的
tequila 酒却不是。
防止艾滋病公益广告—— There’s life after sex. 译:在性之外还有生活。Wolderness 系统—— Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. 译:生活就是发现,让我们去发现吧。
“锐步”运动鞋—— Five feet nine inches in his socks. NISSAN 汽车—— Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride. 译:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。
Gatorade 饮料—— Life is a sport,drink it up. 译:生活就是一场运动,喝下它。Tequila 酒—— Life is harsh,your tequila shouldn’t be. 译:生活是苦涩的,而您的tequila 酒却不是。
防止艾滋病公益广告—— There’s life after sex. 译:在性之外还有生活。 Wolderness系统—— Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. 译:生活就是发现,让我们去发现吧。
“锐步”运动鞋—— Five feet nine inches in his socks.