(比喻才能或仪表出众) like a crane standing among chickens -- stand head and shoulders above others; stand out like a stork [crane] in a flock of fowls; a triton among the minnows; an outstanding talent; be a giant among dwarfs; distinguished [outstanding] man in a
Surrounded by mediocrities, he can seem a towering intellectual.
Amidst the current bunch of nonentities, he is a towering figure
如果你希望你的孩子将来能领导这个国家,那他们就需要接受鹤立鸡群的训练,伊顿公学(eton college)在这方面就做得很出色。
If you want your children to lead the country, they need to be trained to stand out from the crowd and Eton College does the job nicely.
美国莱特州立大学第一作者Gary Burns说,应聘者也应该避免通过使用不寻常的字体和格式来让自己的简历鹤立鸡群。
Lead author Gary Burns of Wright State University in the US said that job candidates should also avoid the temptation to make their CV stand out by using 'unusual fonts or formats'.
约翰(Papa John's)比萨店(更好的馅料,更好的比萨)在周围的工业建筑中鹤立鸡群,仿佛是一家米其林星级(Michelin-starred)餐厅。
A newly installed Papa John's pizzeria ( Better Ingredients. Better Pizza) stood out from its industrial surroundings like a Michelin-starred restaurant.
Experts say the key issue now is how many countries follow Mexico's lead, and in particular whether countries in the middle of the spectrum, neither basket cases nor teachers' pets, are prepared to risk the stigma of going to the IMF.
The Duke thinks her the handsomest girl in the room.
Her special gift set her apart from her fellow students.
Blond hair, blue eyes is always easy to recognize.
Danes are taught not to stand out in a crowd.
like a crane standing among chickens -- stand head and shoulders above others;stand out like a stork in a flock of fowls;a triton among the minnows;an outstanding talent