A: It tastes delicious! As a real foodie, I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here. And so do my family.
“情绪化吃货”用emotional eater表示,emotional eating意为“借吃消愁”。“借吃消愁”可能使你的减肥努力付之东流。
Emotional eating can derail your weight-loss efforts.
还是别去Domino’s和棒!约翰(Papa Johns)了,吃货们推荐的是Papa Murphy’s的Take‘N’烤披萨。
Maybe skip Domino's and Papa Johns and head to Papa Murphy's Take' N" Bake Pizza, which was named number one.
1.吃货必备——煎饼枕这款枕头是由Todd von Bastiaans和Bryan McCarthy共同设计而成,它看起来超级像一堆薄饼上放了两块黄油。
This pillow set design by Todd von Bastiaans and Bryan McCarthy really looks like pancakes with pats of butter!
吃货和骑马爱好者都会喜欢马厩酒馆(Brasserie Les Haras)。这家小店设在18世纪的一座马厩里,2013年经过一群设计师和餐饮企业家的改造以后重新开业。
Food lovers and jockeys alike will appreciate Brasserie Les Haras, an 18th-century horse stable that was renovated and reopened in 2013 by a dream team of designers and restaurateurs.
亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(William Drew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的吃货。
Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world& an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs, food writers and critics, and food experts or 'well-traveled gastronomes,' according to William Drew, group editor for Asia's 50 Best Restaurants.
亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(William Drew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的“吃货”。
Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world--an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs, food writers and critics, and food experts or 'well-traveled gastronomes,' according to William Drew, group editor for Asia's 50 Best Restaurants.
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