1. 有足以详尽讨论各种话题的词汇量,虽然有时使用不当但意思表达清晰
2. 基本上能成功地进行改述
1. Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate?
2. Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic?
What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animal is a doggy. Doggy is cute and lovely.
Tell me about a time that you were proud of a friend’s success.
Yeah, I wanna tell you about my homeboy Tank. We call him Tank because he is such a foodie and because he loves to eat. He is very fat. But Tank is my homie and when he said he wanna make some bread selling snacks at the street market, I said why not brother.
How many people are there in your family?
As you know, there are three people in my family....
而第三个回答中出现的问题,是不恰当的使用了“as you know”这样看似不会有什么问题的口语高频短语。问题在于考官不认识你,对你的情况一无所知,当他听你说“as you know”时,心里想的是“我又跟你不熟,我怎么知道”。因此,说“as you know”的前提是考官对你接下来要说的内容很了解。尽管如此,如果对“as you know”稍作改变,就可以变为一个精彩实用的表达:
What languages can you speak?
As I grew up in China, my native language is Chinese. As you may know, I can also speak English, however, I make many mistakes and hope to improve my English skills.
As most people know smoking is bad for your health, but what you may not know is that nicotine can prevent Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
像as you may know,as most people know..., but what you may not know...这样的表达,很容易让考官有一种参与感,而且也让你自己听起来更睿智。另外,如果你想要跟考官分享一些有趣的事实,这些短语会给你帮上大忙。
What kinds of movies do you think young people like?
Many people have different tastes and like different types of movies. Children enjoy storytelling and animated movies that stimulate their imagination and are fun to watch. Teenagers and young adults prefer action, adventure, science fiction, drama and comedy films.
What sort of people do you think make good friends?
A good friend should be trustworthy, honest, non-judgmental and supportive. Of course, they should also be fun to hang out with and ...
What do you do to help yourself concentrate?
Myself, I need to focus and concentrate when I am at home studying English. I usually prepare a small snack and a cup of tea before studying. I have a quiet spot, and I remove all distractions and potential interruptions, by not having my social media window open on the computer, and my cellphone turned off. I am then able to focus and concentrate and find that I can get a lot of work done in the limited time I have allocated for my studying.
I don’t particularly like my job...
I really don’t like watching TV documentaries...
I can’t stand repeating myself and this kind of conversation is very superficial...
What I absolutely hate about my job is the commute...
用英语来表达不喜欢的方式有很多种,如果你每一次说的都是“I don’t like...”, 不仅没有把意思表达的尽可能准确,说的人和听的人也都会觉得很无聊。而当你尝试用上面提到的方式去表达厌恶的不同程度时,是不是立刻就变得准确又生动了呢?
现在,让我们一起来看看开头提到的第二个问题“Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic?”这个问题和第一个问题“Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate?”是互相关联的,如果你在面对不同话题以及同一话题下的每个具体问题都能够用恰当准确的词汇给予回应,那么就证明你“have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic”。
What is your favourite food?
Well, my favourite food is um... is a kind of snack. It’s like Japanese Sushi and it’s from South Korea...
My favourite food is ah... a kind of dessert. It’s kind of like a pancake and it’s from France...
Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?
Yes! I still stay in contact with a couple of my friends from grade school. Although we are now living in different cities, we can talk on WeChat - a Chinese social media network, and enjoy hanging out when we do meet up.
正如上面的例子所展示的那样,当你想说一种事物却不知道名称的时候,借助定义(上义词)和类比的表达方式,就可以在你想说一种事物却不知道名称的时候,依然可以和考官有效的沟通,常用的表达是It’s a kind of...,It’s like...,It’s kind of like...,而对一些你认为考官有可能陌生的事物,也是同样的方式:WeChat - a Chinese social media network来给出解释说明。
1. 灵活地使用词汇讨论各种话题
2. 使用一些非常见的词汇及习语,对语体及词汇搭配有所认识,但有时词语选择不甚
3. 有效地进行改述
1. 使用话题相关词汇
Do you prefer to use your phone or a camera to take photographs?
I like to take my phone. It’s convenient and it’s easy to take. You can put it in your pocket, also a camera is big and easy to break.
I like to take my phone. It’s convenient because it is portable and pocket-sized. A camera, on the other hand, is large, clumsy and fragile.
Where can you go to see the stars where you live?
Although you cannot see the stars with your naked eyes at night, there is an observatory up on the hills near my hometown. The air is relatively clear there, so you can go up to the big white-domed building and use their telescope to look at the stars and constellations. You can easily see the Milky Way, and there are also some of the zodiac signs like Taurus the Bull, and Pisces the Fish.
2. 替换表达
Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?
As I have moved away from my hometown, I have lost touch with many of my friends. However, I stay in contact with a couple of my friends from grade school. Although we are now living in different cities, we can talk on WeChat - a Chinese social media network, and enjoy hanging out when we do meet up.
Do you think punishment is necessary for teachers and parents to help children learn the difference between right and wrong?
I strongly believe children’s ability to tell right from wrong comes with good parenting, rather than harsh punishments. Teachers and parents should firstly provide good role modelling in their own behaviour. After that, if sanctions are needed, the punishment should not be of a physical nature, as that merely sends the message that it is acceptable for larger people to hit smaller ones - an outcome which may well result in the child starting bullying others. Nor should the punishment be in any way cruel. Rather, teachers and parents can use a variety of methods to discipline their young charges, such as detention, withdrawal of privileges and time-out...
通过分析对比以上两个问题和回答,我们可以看出Part 1中的问题比较简单,通常只需要对问题中出现的表达进行同义替换,以体现对语言灵活使用的能力。而在回答相对复杂
抽象的part 3的问题时,替换不仅体现在同义之间(learn the difference between right and wrong → ability to tell right from wrong,punishment → sanction,children → young charges)、还体现在限定修饰(punishment → harsh,of a physical nature,in any way cruel )和上下义之间(punishment → detention,withdrawal of privileges,time-out)。
3. 词性的改变
When I was a child, we were very poor.
In my childhood, I spent a lot of time doing homework.
My handwriting is very childish,but it is easy to read.
The subway in Zhengzhou used to be very efficient, but now there are too many passengers.
Studying at the same time as watching TV is very inefficient.
My boss measure our working efficiency every week.
Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?
Leaning a new language can be very stressful and difficult, as Chinese is a tone language whereas English and other European languages are not...
Do you prefer to have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?
I do like to get out, socialise and have many acquaintances. However, I prefer a few close friends. Close friends mean more to me...
6分的要求是“基本上能成功地进行改述”,而7分的要求是“有效地进行改述”,通过以上的两个例子,大家不难看出什么才是有效的改述。简单来说,就是改述的原因不再是对准确的表达陌生、不得已而为之,而是通过对问题的主动改述,不仅避免了重复,还在句式(to learning a new language → leaning a new language)、语态(is → can be)、词语搭配(difficult → very stressful and difficult, have a lot of friends → get out, socialise and have many acquaintances)等多个方面展现出了对语言准确、灵活的使用能力。
Do people in your country prefer old or new buildings?
When it comes to architecture in China, there seems to be two clear groups of people: traditionalists and modernists. The traditionalists demand that we preserve all the ancient and historical buildings like the Beijng alleways and courtyards. The modernists on the other hand, suggest that modern skyscrapers and high-rise buildings are better suited for our modern way of living. For me personally, I believe that a mix of the two is important, moving forward into the future with cutting edge design, but not forgetting our heritage.
烤鸭们对tradition和modern这两个词应该都不陌生,回答中的traditionalists和modernists只是在词性上稍做变化,立刻由普通词汇变成了词汇7分中提到的less common words,而且在这两个关键词的引领下,给出了富含信息的、能够吸引考官的观点和表达。
除了像traditionalist和modernists这样由常见单词通过词性变化转变而来的less common words, 还有另外一类“常见”的非常见词:
The teacher counted(数数)the students as they got on to the bus.
His lessons bore me to distraction(苦恼无聊).
Janet’s coming over for a couple of weeks next spring(春天).
I’ve always counted (当作)Sophia among my closest friends.
Shopping is one of the distractions(消遣)of city life.
“Where did you spring (突然出现)from?” - I didn’t see you come in!”
Is it (studying IELTS) interesting?
Well, to be honest, not really. There are number of things I would far rather be studying. I guess it is a means to an end, so I have to knuckle down and keep my nose to the grindstone.
Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
I prefer to study in the afternoon. I really am not a morning person and being a bit of a night owl, I often stay up late and burn the midnight oil. So I’m usually very tired in the morning.
When I study in America, I will broaden my horizon and learn more knowledge.
When it comes to a historical place that I would like to visit, I would like to tell you about Eiffel in Paris. The Eiffel gives me a deep impression...
I love chemistry. It really is my cup of tea.
当我们想要表达“学到知识”的时候,可以说“acquire knowledge”,也可以说“gain knowledge”, 但是不能说“learn knowledge”;当想要表达“...给我留下深刻印象”时,可以说“...make (made) a deep impression on me.”,也可以说“...leave (left) a deep impression on me.”,但是give me a deep impression 却是一个错误的说法;而my cup of tea这个表达,只能用于否定句中,比如可以这样说:“Learning English is really not my cup of tea.”。
When you were young, did you help with the housework?
Oh yes, I helped my mother with the washing up. It helped her to release her pressure.
In my 25th birthday I went to a Japanese restaurant with my friends and colleagues.
A good education is absolutely important in modern society.
Do you enjoy studying?
Well, I don’t really enjoy studying. I would have been lying if I said I did. I find it is a bit of a chore. However...
Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?
Personally, I prefer to take photos myself. I quite enjoy setting up the camera and trying to get the best photo possible. It’s really challenging sometimes.
What are some different kinds of places to go shopping?
Well, there are a wide range of places to go shopping. One of the most popular types is department stores. I think this is because they stock high-quality products and always offer a money back warranty if you are unsatisfied with your purchase. Another trendy place that people in my country enjoy shopping is at night markets. I guess this might be because it’s a lot of fun and prices are usually cheaper than in the store. So department stores and night markets are the most common.
What are the differences between what men and women shop for?
Well, obviously there are a number of clear differences. Perhaps the most significant one would be that men tend to be more interested in shopping for electronic gadgets, whereas women have a preference to shop for makeup and clothes. In addition, a subsequent contrast could be that women like to shop in expensive malls while men prefer to shop in small retail shops.
所谓语体,简单来说,就是在不同的场合用不同的方式说话。从大的方面划分,主要有正式和非正式两种场合。通过以上的举例,大家应该能够体会到前两个part 1中的问题和后两个part 3中问题的回答在语体方面的不同。
Part 1的问答背景是日常生活,考官在这个部分想了解的是你的日常生活方式,回答起来应该是较为轻松随意的,这部分的回答中可以多使用一些非正式用语,多表达自己的情绪和感受,这样会让交流显得更加自然。大家再看看前两个范例回答中加粗标记的地方,是不是都在表达自己的主观情绪和感受呢?
而在part 3的问答过程中,考官关心的不再是你个人的生活和经历,而是你能否针对有关社会、人群的更为宏观的严肃议题发表看法并展开讨论。这里用到的语体是更偏向于书面语的正式语体, 其特点是复杂语法结构的使用和对抽象概念的描述。所谓的复杂语法结构,主要是由具有语法功能的词项来构成,比如表示推测和可能性的情态动词、长主语、逻辑连接词等。这些特征可以从上面part 3例子中加粗标记的地方很明显的看到。另外,在对复杂问题作出回答时,一个清晰的答题结构非常重要,原因在于清晰的结构一方面保证了陈述的条理性,另一方面也为自己争取了宝贵的思考时间。这种偏向书面语的表达无疑适合对严肃复杂问题进行准确深入的讨论。